The Film, the Shot, and the Angle - The Subtle Art of Video Production.

February 21, 2023

The whole idea behind video production is fairly simple - showcasing a product, brand, or idea in a visually appealing way that sticks to the core message while reaching out to an audience in the hopes of retaining viewership. While the concept is simple, executing this to perfection requires skill and attention to detail that is only attained through experience in the field.

A lot can be accomplished with the help of a well-made film. For a person just starting out in the field, there are a few key pointers to take into consideration. The first is having good equipment which is worth its weight in gold. While it is true that a good film does not necessarily require the fanciest of cameras, having one does elevate the picture quality tenfold.

With decent equipment, getting started does not seem like much of a chore. Arguably the most important aspect should be knowing your subject. Be it a bar of chocolate or a high-performance automobile, no matter what the subject matter is, it holds equal importance in front of the lens. Keeping in mind that the core message isn’t lost within all the noise, a good cinematographer learns to keep their eyes on the prize.

Besides the subject matter and the equipment, having some knowledge of how each shot works and how it can be recreated is the next key aspect. Knowing what angle works with what lighting, knowing how to approach the shot with speed and finesse. All of this coupled together can result in something spectacular, albeit with a ton of practice.

When it comes to inspiration for producing a high-quality video, it is quite easy to find in this age. With the huge number of movies at one’s disposal, inspiration can strike from anywhere. This can also be elevated as most directors follow a certain style that can be emulated to a certain extent while keeping in mind one’s own originality. Filmmakers have always been able to draw inspiration from each other and sometimes work together in order to give their audience a taste of something unique and fresh.

Lastly, and most importantly, having confidence when it comes to anything artistic is key. Having faith in one’s own work almost always doubles the success rate. Being able to look at a piece of artistic rendition and having the confidence to stand by it is easier said than done but once mastered, there is very little that can come in the way of success.

In short - Confidence, a good idea, and a picturesque shot can take you a long way on the road of video production.